Issue Position: Government Reform

Issue Position

Over the past several years, the government has made ill-fated attempts at healthcare reform, education reform, banking reform, financial reform, and on and on, but absolutely nothing has been done about the very institution central to all of this - our government. With the public's confidence in our elected leaders at a historic low, shouldn't reform of our government garner an even greater amount of attention as well? Our government is broken, and nothing serves as a better example of this than the redistricting debacle we have witnessed in Frankfort this past two years. Rather than succumb to the will of the people, Frankfort politicians took care of their respective parties and punished their enemies.

Insanity has been described as doing the same thing over and over and over again and expecting a different result. If we send the same people back to Frankfort and Washington time and time again, should we really expect our government to change? If we want to change Frankfort, we have to change the people we are sending to Frankfort.

In politics, tenure brings position, and with position comes power, and with power comes corruption. The only way to effectively break this cycle is a two word answer - term limits. It is more than hypocritical that the major constitutional offices of our state are limited to two terms, yet the terms for our State House and our State Senate are endless. And why? Because those in power, want to stay in power.

Our state has a wealth of talent and intelligence among our citizens which our state government never gets to take advantage of because our citizens are denied the opportunity to participate. Election to an office should not be a job or a career, but a public service. To this end, if I am fortunate enough to be elected and re-elected as your State Representative, I will serve no more than four terms in office to allow others the opportunity to serve in our government.
